Friday, August 21, 2009

amanda's time !

last week, i went to manda birthday with kezia by a TAXI!
we arrived at pancious lately, but not all camee on time!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

dufan trip :D

yesterday, most of 12 generation went to dunia fantasi ancol. first of our trip we played kora-kora but me and my friends didn't play the kora-kora so i ate bakso at there :D. after that we played kicir-kiciiir and then tornadoooooooooo. it was fun! also we went to istana boneka and halilintar :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


last day in our farewell trip, we're going to Paris Van Java mall. At there we going into a groups to walking around at there. After going around there, we tired and took a rest at auntie annie's pretzel. so yummy!! so we took some photos for the memory at paris van java :D

it's us!

farewell oh farewell

last day, i had a great trip with my friends in Bandung. We stayed for 2 days in Pine resort Shalom in jalan cisarua. here some of the photos that i took in there.

best friendzyy <3

they're my best friends too <3